
Broken Vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7-12)

Welcome into This Place

Welcome into this place
Welcome into this broken vessel
You desire to abide in the praises of your people

So, we lift our hands
As, we lift our hearts
As, we offer up this praise unto your name.

Creation declares your glory
And the universe declares your majesty

2 Corinthians 4:7-12
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 
persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 
10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 
11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 
12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

With all the breakings, blows and wounds, we become broken and helpless. At times, the situations and circumstances used to break us are so difficult but we need it to be more pliable. We need to be broken to fit the "mold." We become numb of the pain and the tests, which actually help us go through life by just surrendering to God's will. We become acceptable of the things happening in and around us, and thus just offering our brokenness and nothingness to God. But, like the great man who had it all, Job after all the tribulations came out strong, came forth as GOLD.

Do Not Worry (Matthew 6:25-34)

We are often tempted to worry. We worry about what will happen next. We gloat on things to come, even if usually, what we worry about doesn't happen.

God himself told us not to stress ourselves. And here we are thinking about all the possible negativities which we try to foretell as if we have absolute knowledge to what will happen in the next few seconds. We don't. Yet, the one who has already written the end and the beginning, told us, "Do not worry."

God would tarry to test us. He tells us to "wait patiently." Stand still and not move a finger. It's His work not ours. Until we learn and understand what Resting in His love truly means, we will live each day worrying about everything.

I don't want to worry anymore.

He says, "I care." God knows what we need and what we want. He sees all these things.

He says, "Wait." I'll handle it. If it comes and happens, He wanted it to happen. If it doesn't, He doesn't want it to happen. He has greater plans. More beautiful that what we are expecting. Far beyond was is reasonable for us. Exceedingly great and unfathomable.

So, to guys like me... God says "Wait and Rest." Just this once, try not to lift a finger and let God be God. See what happens.

Philippine Economy is Getting Better and Brighter

An optimist, I've been looking around the Mega-Manila and seeing the towering condominiums being built. I smell progress and growth. I am hopeful as ever that Philippines will rise to its glorious and predestined progress. She will reclaim her beauty and once again capture the eyes of those who once forgot her.

I know Filipinos are now awakened. Filipinos are becoming risk-takers. It shows on how they venture in small-medium scale business. Diligence and perserance are qualities of Filipino citizens. We are hard-working and have a unique quality of making things light and easy to bear.

I just hope more cities, towns and provinces will capture the shift and economic transition happening  in the Metropolis. I know leaders are also striving to ride with the wind of change and progress surging now in the archipelago.

To greater things, around the Philippines. Cheers!

One Day Film for Lovers and Friends

One Day is one eye opener.

One Day is for lovers and friends.


Friends. They say it is impossible for a man and a woman to just be friends. As a lady, I believe it is but to just a certain degree. Keeping an arm's length still is valuable advice. A matter of self preservation or precaution, not to hurt the other and to protect your heart.

Scared. At some point, Dex and Ems were frigthened who should go first. Again, I stand by what the best-selling author Elisabeth Elliot says about letting the man inititate. But some men do admit that at times, they get tongue-tied. As for me, if you love someone, you will declare it. Plain and simple. If one can not utter the words, perhaps he just doesn't love her that much.

The Risk. The risk for Dex and Em was letting a decade pass through their eyes. Wasted? Maybe. When Dex finally gathered enough sensibility to realize he does love her, and has always, what he didn't realize was their time is running out.

Epiphany. Love, cliche as it is, is a roller-coaster ride. But at the end, when two hearts are meant to be one, the pre-destined purpose of their existence still prevails in the end. The journey was exhausting, long and profoundly full of mishaps and bliss, but it was worth the wait. It ended painfully beautiful. A story worth-telling others, that when you love... love and embrace it now. You'll never know until when you can hold it close to your heart. You'll never know when it will drift away. You'll never know when it will be taken from you.

The Art of Forgetting

I seldom say I miss you. I rarely say the words I love you. One thing I know, eventhough forgetting is difficult and a bit challenging it's worth the pain and suffering in the long-run.

We have those keepsakes engraved deep in our hearts. Memories which painted different shades of sadness and bliss in the history of our lives. But one thing I believe in, everything is pre-ordained. Where we are right now, is where we should be. We go through different testswhich become our testimony. The mess we made becomes our message. Our pain becomes our praise.

God is great. He will not give us beyond what we can carry. The load is just right for our capacity to endure. He tests us, so and we will come out stronger and ready to strengthen others.

I just want to thank the Lord for the strength.

He empowers us to forget. He makes things new every morning.