
McDonald's Everywhere

McDonald's Philippines
We had the first McDonald's Restaurant in our city when I was in high school. I remember just enjoying the classic sundae everyday after school. It became our hang-out place in Manila when I went to the university. A lot of conversations over their delicious fries where recorded within the walls of this homy place. This is one of  my favorite places in the world because of the ambiance. It's always clean, the photos on the wall are nice, and has fast service. I used to like their caramel sundae, but a friend influenced me to try their strawberry. I personally believe it's better than the rest of the flavors.

McDonald's has been "the meeting place." The photo above was taken when I was waiting for a friend. I was just silently reading the book Deep Unto Deep (by Dana Candler) and captured my stuff on this table. I thought it was a moment to remember.

Enjoy moments at McDonalds.

Quote: A Job You Love

"Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

I was about to graduate from grade school when I saw a simple advertisement dedicated to the graduates. I will never forget this particular quote which made me wonder about not just the kind of job, but the kind of life I want for my self.

I've been writing since I was a small girl and I just want to keep on doing it. It would be nice to finally live a life that's worth something to me. It would be great to find a job that would allow me to be me. It would be nice and easy to do something you know you're good at and have the freedom to just let yourself be you. I hope parents would allow their children to find themselves in the career they find interest in, and not just for the sake for pleasing them.

It would be nice to get up everyday excited to do things you love the most. 
Find your passion and pursue it.

Poem: The Shade of Tree

Like this 
shade of tree, I would
like to be there whenever you
feel weary. When you feel like getting out
of the things that complicate your life. Like the
tree, I'll be standing there and wait for you until you need my
shade again. I'll stand still for you whenever you need something 
to hold on to. I'll hold you with my branches whenever you feel down and
low, and offer you my fruits that would take away your hunger. 
I'll try to listen to every story that you want to share... how your 
dreams were shattered.. and how the pain intrudes your soul. 
I'll embrace you, to take away the blemishes in your heart.
My leaves will wipe away all the tears that you
feel inside. I'll try to stand right by your 
side until the hurt fades away.
And when your
wounds start to
heal and can
stand on you
own, I'll help 
you to find your
way again. I know
you will go and 
leave me behind 
to start another life.
But I'll stand still and wait 
for you until you        need my shade again.

Pik-Nik Shoestring Potato

Like the tag-line in their website, anywhere, anytime... have a Pik-Nik.

I try to recall when I started to fall in-love with this potato. Pik-Nik and I started our love affair when my father brought it to my life. My dad loves to bring food to me and my sister when we were younger.

I find it better than all the other snacks combined. Pik-Nik stayed consistently delicious through the years. It has been a reliable companion. Whenever we have field trips at school, I always ask my mom for a can of Pik-Nik. It never fails to make me smile.

At times when I feel so down, the wonderful slender crispy potatoes always manage to fill my heart will delight. I hope the people behind Pik-Nik will see and read this page. I want to extend my deepest thanks to whoever created the recipe for this timeless Pik-Nik.

The movie Love Affair in 1994

The movie Love Affair in 1994 just captured my heart. Perhaps it was the drama of seeing Mike (Warren Beatty) silently wait on top of the Empire State Building with rainshowers and thunderstorms. It was heartbreaking witnessing the used-to-be-playboy wait in the rain with the painting for his beloved Terry (Annette Bening). He kept waiting and waiting. She was not there.

It was indeed a love affair. One of the highlights of the movie was when Mike's aunt Ginny (Katharine Hepburn), played an  instrumental (Love Affair by Ennio Morricone ) while the two visit her on a paradise-like island.

I have seen the film at least 20 times now. It's one of my favorite movies because it shows how faith holds a person together for that one soul on the other side of the rainbow. They just both waited, hoping for an opportunity, or in the hearts of their hearts praying that the heavens will conspire a plan to make them meet and fall in love again. Love Affair will totally make you dig deep into the beauty and wonder of having a broken heart forget, forgive and fall again.

There is just the kind of love that will hit you once and for eternity.

You may also watch Love Affair (1939 film) which is actually the original version of the movie and An Affair to Remember in 1957.

Max's Chicken Restaurant

My favorite family restaurant is no other than Max's Chicken Restaurant, particularly the one in SM North Edsa, Level 2, SM City North EDSA, North Avenue cor. EDSA Quezon City, Philippines.

THAT SAME CORNER in Max's Restaurant, in SM City North Edsa

Long before yesterday, I made a pact with myself that I’ll treat my family to a lunch or dinner-out once I get my salary. That deal came into being just yesterday night. It even became more special for me, for us, because we ate at the very same place and corner the last time we ate at that same restaurant just months ago. We started in a prayer thanking our Lord Jesus Christ for blessing us unconditionally. Though it is not fair, if we just think deeper into the sense that our Father in Heaven gives so much to us even if were are undeserving little creatures here on earth, He would still provide us with so much. I learned that unconditional love from my God through the parents He blessed me with, although I can really say I may not be perfectly doing it, but through God’s grace I am continuously learning.

That day and all of those more than twenty years I spent with my parents, makes me
realize that God blessed me with a great family. We are a typical Filipino Family, we may not be perfect… of course we disagree… sometimes fight and say some regretful words to each other but after that… when that storm subsides… I believe that we will be all right because I will always go home to them. Nothing can ever change that fact. I have learned through them that it is important to know one’s roots… but they also help me use my wings to fly. I belong to that genre of people who would prefer to stay home than explore the malls and bar around the greater Manila… and I am proud to be a member of "the club." I would much rather hang out with "my friends, my tropa" who stay home with me.

From time to time I wish moments would freeze so that things, situations would stay just the way they are. I maybe selfish if I say that I hope I want us to stay close together and no one ever leaves the house :) … for our family to always be complete every Sunday afternoon at the table talking about politics, religion, economy and the simplest things about the man I saw in Sta. Cruz or Justice Corona's ongoing impeachment… I want all of those things to stay and not ever be stirred… but that’s just me. I’ll leave my family to the all knowing God who gave them to me… And I will forever be grateful for every memory I have spent and will spend with them.

Through this voyage, at times when I am alone or perhaps when those moments come when I feel alone or even when I am peacefully just watching the thick velvet night sky above… I will be pondering about who I am and will remember that same precious special corner I shared and spent with my family.


Max's Chicken Restaurant is not just a place to eat, it's one of my favorite things on earth because the place is where I have great memories with my family. I will always carry in my heart episodes of conversations and bondings with my parents and siblings, over their delicious dishes, most especially the sinigang na hipon, sizzling tofu, crispy pata and of course the timeless and ever beautiful Max's Chicken.

Related Sites:
My Trips and Travels


An old wise man once said, "There are three kinds of books. Good books. Superior books. Great books. Good books inform. Superior books inform and entertain. Great books... change lives."

I just can't imagine a life without it. I am not ashamed that my life's principles are based on the wisdom embedded in this Holy Book of Life. It is my source of strength. The bible lights my path, especially when I am about to cross dark alleys and corners of this world's confusing avenues. The Bible simply gives my life direction. I find refuge in the pages empowered by knowledge and wisdom. No wonder it is the most published book in the entire universe. It speaks of the truth... and if we are wise to seek wisdom in its precious pages, it will truly set our hearts free.

Above all, the Bible is a love letter to the beloved from the Greatest Lover of Souls... Jesus Christ.
My life's worth and purpose is found in Him alone.

Related Sites:
Benny Hinn Ministries

Live Your Purpose

"We are the sum total of what we have learned from all who have taught us, both great and small." - Myles Munroe

I see this blog not just a mere site, but my the culmination of who I am and everything I know (and will know).  I started writing when I was a young girl. There is something with words and letters neatly arranged, forming beautiful songs of life which exudes from the very core of our souls. Writing just about anything pacifies my heart. It helps me ease burdens and enjoy bits and pieces of this world, captured in a page or two.

At this point in my life, I have decided to pursue my passion. Write and share  my heart with this generation and the generations to come.

Above all, I dedicate my writing, whether on this web or on the pages of my journals (or just about anything) to the One Lover who gave me the heart to write. I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this gift and I honor Him in everything I do. To God be the glory.

Do what you love to do.
Do it with all of your heart.

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